dmlalg - Double Machine Learning Algorithms
Implementation of double machine learning (DML) algorithms
in R, based on Emmenegger and Buehlmann (2021) "Regularizing
Double Machine Learning in Partially Linear Endogenous Models"
<arXiv:2101.12525> and Emmenegger and Buehlmann (2021)
<arXiv:2108.13657> "Double Machine Learning for Partially
Linear Mixed-Effects Models with Repeated Measurements". First
part: our goal is to perform inference for the linear parameter
in partially linear models with confounding variables. The
standard DML estimator of the linear parameter has a two-stage
least squares interpretation, which can lead to a large
variance and overwide confidence intervals. We apply
regularization to reduce the variance of the estimator, which
produces narrower confidence intervals that are approximately
valid. Nuisance terms can be flexibly estimated with machine
learning algorithms. Second part: our goal is to estimate and
perform inference for the linear coefficient in a partially
linear mixed-effects model with DML. Machine learning
algorithms allows us to incorporate more complex interaction
structures and high-dimensional variables.